Friday 19 February 2016

For many soldiers, this Valentine’s Day was remarkably different

For many soldiers, this Valentine’s Day was remarkably different

Advertising Agency and Communication Solution provider, Fuel Communications Limited created the #LoveASoldier Campaign stirring Nigerians to write and share notes of love to celebrate the sacrifices of the Nigerian Army whilst showing them some love. Love notes poured into the sites in their hundreds...twitter impressions in their millions. Love notes seeped from Enugu and Rivers State as well as from Canada and The United States. 


It was quite a collection on most of the notes were thoughtful, some were very emotional and some others actually from friends, fellow soldiers and loved ones of the Nigerian army who appreciated the opportunity to express their thoughts… they were real.

The campaign is still on ... to build the largest collection of love notes from Nigerians to their soldiers to foster a better relationship. Ensure that your note is among, visit

And because love begets more love, we can rest assured that the Nigerian Army would respond in more ways than words. See how Nigerians expressed their love in more love notes below:

The life brief is Fuel’s commitment to providing creative solutions to the shared challenges of everyday life to improve the standard of living and make life better.

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